Fabric Paint & Dyes Collection

Fabric painting...

 ...is a wonderful medium to practice your art and creativity on fabrics and textiles, customising and personalising your wardrobe and your home - from clothes and scarves to cushion covers and tablecloths.

Before using fabric paints, you will need to pre-wash the fabric to to pre-shrink it and to remove any manufacturing chemicals or starches. Do not use fabric softener when pre-washing as this will inhibit the absorbency of the fabric.

Fabric paint is similar to acrylic paints, so you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to your tools and brushes. Rubber stamps and palette knives will create different designs and effects on the fabric.
Unlike an artist's canvas, fabrics and textiles are unprimed and will therefore soak up the paint, so it is advisable to mix a liberal amount of a colour.

Make sure to sketch your design beforehand onto the fabric as fabric paint is colourfast, so you won't be able to remove a painted error. Place cardboard under the fabric or between the layers so that the paint does not seep through and always follow the heat setting instructions on the fabric paint to set the color before washing.

Our Pebeo Setacolor range of fabric paints are ideal to experiment with. From vibrant colors, pastel hues and fluorescent shades, to shimmer and glitter fabric paints, there are no limits to the designs you can create on fabric and textiles.
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